2025 Focus at BG: Community

In our series on Ephesians in 2023-24, we saw Paul’s strong emphasis on our life together as Christians. The Holy Spirit uses the whole body of Christ to form each of us spiritually (Ephesians 4.11-16).

When we live separately, disconnected from other believers, we are “tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine.” We are like children, immature and lacking discernment. But when we speak the truth of Christ to each other in the love of the Spirit, we grow up. We become like Jesus himself.

When our discipleship committee was discussing spiritual formation last winter, we kept noticing how weak our sense of community is today. It is hard to make time for each other. We lack shared practices in our week, like meals eaten together or regular times of focused conversation.

Like every church in America, BG is being challenged by a preference for life lived alone. The abnormalities of the Covid years—staying home, talking through social media, shunning face-to-face contact—have become far more normal than we would like to admit. 

And that is only the culmination of long-running trends in American society.

This year, BG is going to face this challenge. This morning, I will introduce our focus on community in my sermon. I will also start a two-week class for all adults on how we can mobilize generations to meet common challenges, especially to support parents.

There’s more coming.

Watch for new adult education options on Sunday mornings. Katie Winkler, BG’s community coordinator, has been leading new classes on emotional life, most recently on practices of lament. These classes have attracted a lot of participation and are becoming a hub for a new counseling team at BG.

Watch for new programs during the week. Several men are organizing a Trail Life troop here. This is a ministry to boys that teaches hands-on skills for life, and, most importantly, unites generations of men in a common life.

Watch for new teaching. Our Proverbs series will explore the wisdom we need to build life together. This summer, we will study the Holy Spirit, the Person of the Trinity who bonds our hearts together.

I am eager to share all of these things with you! Make plans to be at church each week!

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