Supporting Global Christians

On Sunday, September 22, a wonderful convergence will occur at BG. Two couples who have long been part of our body, most recently laboring alongside indigenous believers overseas, will be part of a panel discussion. Come and hear about their work and how God has blessed many churches as a result of decades of faithful service.

Chuck and Barbara Grimes have lived most of their adult lives in Indonesia doing Bible translation work. For the past 25 years they have been working with a denomination in Timor and surrounding islands, whose 1.5 million members speak around 70 languages. Their work focuses on training and mentoring local Bible translators and consultants.

The Grimes and their team are currently working in 18 indigenous languages. Some individuals they have mentored have completed higher degrees and play invaluable roles in translating the Scriptures and supporting others. Essential to their work are also lay people such as local farmers, fishermen, housewives, students, and teachers who assist in checking what meaning is being communicated by the translations.
Dave and Joyce Jones lived and ministered among us at BG from 1988 to 2019. Dave was associate and then lead pastor. Now, Dave and Joyce lead Partnerships for Training Pastors, now in its eleventh year of partnering with majority world churches in Uganda, Zambia, Indonesia, and Peru, with the primary focus in Uganda.

Dave and Joyce will share how their ministry trains Ugandan pastors and leaders to reach out, teach, and equip others in rural and isolated villages. The Jones are based in Mechanicsburg, PA, and make frequent overseas trips. Their work in Uganda is based in Kampala Baptist Church.

You can find out more about the Grimeses and the Joneses, along with the work of supporting indigenous believers, by coming to the panel discussion on Sept. 22.

The training and empowerment of local believers and church leaders globally has increased in the last few decades. We at Bethel Grove Bible Church are privileged to be friends and partners with these two couples who have refined this avenue for missions under God’s direction.

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