Life Against Darkness: Incorruptible
What fuels the Christian life? Paul gives the answer in the very last word of Ephesians. A study of Ephesians 6.23-24. (A second video below answers a question related to the sermon.)
Life Against Darkness: Armed
Paul takes tiles from Isaiah and the Psalms and makes an image of Christ in his armor of strength. This is who lives in us. A study of Ephesians 6.14-22.
Life Against Darkness: Strong
The ancient Greeks and Romans fought battles in a formation called a phalanx. Soldiers were strongest when they stayed together. Paul calls us to be strong through unity in Christ. A study of Ephesians 6.10-13. (Matt answers two questions about this sermon in a second video below.)
Life Against Darkness: Sincere

Paul addresses the relationship in Ephesus with the most extreme disparity of power: masters and slaves. A study of Ephesians 6. 5-9.
Life Against Darkness: Obedient
Is Christian parenting about gaining a child’s compliance? The relationship between a child and parent is about something much deeper. A study of Ephesians 6.1-4. (Another sermon question answered in the second video below.)
Life Against Darkness: Sacrificial

Husbands are called to love their wives as Christ loves the Church. What does this mean theologically and what does it require in daily life? A study of Ephesians 5.21-33. (Answers to additional questions in the second and third videos below.)
Life Against Darkness: Submitted

Marriage is the most intimate workshop of God’s grace. Wives and husbands become cold when they forget this. A study of Ephesians 5.21-25.
Life Against Darkness: Full
Dionysus, the god of theater and spring, wants you to be full of wine. Paul says that he will only waste your vitality. True renewal comes from being filled with the Spirit. A study of Ephesians 5.18-21.
Life Against Darkness: Wise
The call to walk wisely is a call to ask, “Where are you going? What path are you on?” A study of Ephesians 5.15-17. (Matt answers questions about this sermon in a second video below.)
Life Against Darkness: Awake

The presence of Christ wakes us up. It shines light on the evil that is both around us and in us. A study of Ephesians 5.6-14. (Video answering questions on this sermon included below.)
Life Against Darkness: Beloved

We are called to be like a beloved child who imitates his parent. As Christ loved us, we are to love others. A study of Ephesians 5.1-5. (A second video answering questions about this sermon is posted below.)
Life Against Darkness: Sealed
Letters from a Roman emperor were sealed in wax. We are sealed by the Holy Spirit. A special family service devoted to Ephesians 4.25-32.
Life Against Darkness: Renewed

Like a butterfly, each believer is changing from one kind of creature into another. A study of Ephesians 4.17-24.
Life Against Darkness: Mature

Many believers are carried around by every wave of teaching. What does it really take to become mature? A study of Ephesians 4.13-16.
Life Against Darkness: Equipped
Jesus Christ equips us to build his Kingdom. Everything we need comes from him but he equips us through his Word and other people. A study of Ephesians 4.11-12.
Life Against Darkness: Victorious

In Ephesians 4.7-10, Paul describes Christ’s victory parade using Psalm 68. To understand Paul’s message, we begin in Numbers 10.35.
Life Against Darkness: Worthy

Every Christian is called to a high purpose. What does it mean to be worthy of that calling? A study of Ephesians 4.1-6.
Are You Scrolling Your Faith?
The discipleship agenda for Bethel Grove from Ephesians 4.1.
Life Against Darkness: Adore
Paul gives one of the Bible’s great benedictions in Ephesians 3.20-21, adoring the Father for his power. This blessing is especially important to meditate on when you don’t feel blessed.
Life Against Darkness: Comprehend

We comprehend the love of Christ together, like a band learns music. We explore Paul’s prayer for the Church in Ephesians 3.14-19.
Life Against Darkness: Reveal

Paul’s life was full of personal suffering but he always pointed to the revelation of God’s plan. Each one of us has a role in revealing God’s hidden wisdom. A study of Ephesians 3.7-13.
Life Against Darkness: Read

Paul does something revolutionary in the ancient world. He writes open letters so that all believers will know the secrets of Christ. Normally, religions thrive on secrets. But not Christianity. Paul’s faith in Jesus thrives on openness.
Life Against Darkness: Understand

Paul calls himself a “prisoner of Christ.” In Ephesians 3, he wants us to understand why he thinks of himself that way. Paul’s authority as an apostle is crucial to his teaching about why Jesus died on the cross and rose again.
Life Against Darkness: Unite
Like stones in a wall, Christ unites different people together. The day after terrorists invaded Israel, BG studied one of the most important passages in the Bible on peace, Ephesians 2.11-22.
Life Against Darkness: Walk
You can learn a lot from someone’s shoes. In this study of Ephesians 2.1-10, we trace humanity’s radical problem to how we walk. Christ, our radical solution, recreates us to walk in good works. (6th in the series.)
Life Against Darkness: See
Selections from BG’s Fall Family Service studying Ephesians 1.19-23. How can we see the power of God with our hearts? (5th in the series.)
Life Against Darkness: Pray
Ancient Ephesians believed that the theater, with its masked actors, chants, and music, was an access point to the power of Dionysus. In Ephesians 1.15-18, the apostle Paul teaches that Christ offers access to God directly to each individual. (4th in the series.)
Life Against Darkness: Believe

What does it mean to believe in Jesus? Is it personal, or is faith in Christ larger than just our own experience? When the Ephesians believed in Christ, they intended something more radical than we do. (3rd in the series.)
Life Against Darkness: Bless
The Roman Pantheon was a temple to all the gods and goddesses of the empire. Peace was secure because no god claimed superiority. But Paul in Ephesians preaches that Christ is the head over all things–a message as radical today as it was then. (2nd in the series.)
Life Against Darkness: Stand

What has Jesus Christ accomplished in the heavenly places? He has enabled us to stand against darkness. In this introduction to the book of Ephesians, we study Ephesians 6.10-12.