Angels on Guard

The last time the glory of God appears in the Old Testament, it is leaving the temple. Will it ever return? Where and when?
Angels on Fire

There is a world beyond what we can see. In Isaiah 6.1-7, the prophet sees beyond the earthly temple into the heavenly places, where fiery angels fly around the throne of God.
Angels in Command
A priest on duty in the temple, surrounded by symbols of angels, suddenly encounters a real one. A study of Luke 1.18-20.
Angels on the Veil

Angels are everywhere when Jesus is born. They visit an elderly priest, a young woman, and a carpenter. They surprise shepherds in the middle of the night. What are these beings and why are they so prominent when Messiah appears? To get started finding answers, we look at the veil in Israel’s tabernacle (Exodus 26.31).