Safe House: Glory

On Christmas Day, we consider what Caesar Augustus knew and when he knew it. (Last in the series “Safe House”).
Safe House: Love

The angel Gabriel leaves Jerusalem for Nazareth, a town where nothing ever happens. He speaks to a young woman named Mary. (4th in the series “Safe House.”)
Safe House: Joy

A bitter priest discovers God’s grace after serving in the temple. (3rd in the series “Safe House.”)
Safe House: Peace

Solomon dedicates the temple (1 Kings 8) and teaches Israel about the real safe house God is building. (2nd in the series “Safe House.”)
Safe House: Hope

Many people feel vulnerable this year. Inflation. Disease. Crime. The Bible speaks to our anxieties, telling a Christmas story that is often forgotten. God built a safe house for us in Jesus Christ. It’s a story of hope when your home is threatened, peace when your home is troubled, joy when it is blessed, and […]