Imagine entering a banquet room with twinkling lights and hearing the chatter of almost 300 people sitting at round tables. All share one common purpose: partnering with Finger Lakes Pregnancy Care (FLPC) “to apply the Gospel of Jesus Christ by providing emotional, spiritual and practical help to those facing crisis pregnancy or post-abortion trauma and by promoting a lifestyle of sexual integrity for all individuals.”
The FLPC is located in both Ithaca and in Cortland. Over the last year they provided “243 pregnancy tests, 131 ultrasounds, 223 spiritual discussions, 125 prayer sessions resulting in 88% of their clients choosing life.”
Donna Stauffer of BG began the evening by welcoming everyone and sharing her enthusiasm for the work FLPC does to continue advocating for life in our community. I was encouraged to see many fellow BGer’s and fellow believers from the surrounding churches at the banquet.
The evening proceeded with prayer, dinner, client testimonies, a virtual tour of the center in Ithaca. We also heard the director’s report, and had an opportunity to support FPLC. The evening closed with special music and prayer.
We had the privilege of hearing the testimony of two clients. Each shared how FLPC advocated and supported them before, during, and after their pregnancy. One woman shared how FLPC was instrumental in helping her process her fears and questions surrounding her unplanned pregnancy. It was inspiring to hear stories about how FLPC provided compassionate care for these mothers and their children.
Keynote speaker Steventhen Holland’s testimony was about his mentally challenged mom fighting for his life after her repeated rape at 18 years old. He was adopted by a family who helped her. The most powerful part of his testimony was when he shared the video of his reunion with his birth mother and of them singing “Amazing Grace” together.
The FLPC projected 2024 Budget is $448,000. If you wish to partner with them financially or are interested in supporting them in other ways, please visit their website at