Perhaps, you have seen the unassuming Little Blue Pantry off the parking lot of the Family Center and
wondered what this small cabinet is doing in what seems an unlikely spot? While you won’t find the way
to Narnia, if you open its doors, you will find cereal, oatmeal, pasta, granola bars, raisins, ramen and
diapers… enough to fill a couple of bags with groceries and to carry someone through the week.
The Little Blue Pantry is associated with Mutual Aid of Tompkins County and was brought to BG during
the pandemic when so many people lost jobs and many were cautious about being in public places such
as grocery stores. For us at BG, this is a way to invite people from the local community onto our campus
and to show love to our neighbors in a tangible way by meeting basic needs. We have a small contingent
of faithful contributors who purchase or two items regularly to help stock the pantry.
Sometimes there are surprise contributions. One Sunday, having missed church for illness, I went to
refill the pantry after everyone else had left. I was feeling poorly that day, but the Lord lifted my spirits
when I found several cars in the parking lot. I hung back to see what was going on. What I discovered
was a Scout Troup filling the pantry to the brim that afternoon!

We invite you to pray with us for those that use the pantry that the opening of those cabinet doors to
meet physical needs also paves the way to open spiritual doors, enabling us to minister to spiritual
matters as well. May the Lord use this ministry for His purposes and His glory!
If you are interested in contributing there is a box where you may leave non-perishable items (no glass
items, please) in the downstairs hallway near the stairs coming from the parking lot. You can also
connect with Jessica Romero if you are interested in becoming a regular contributor.