If you are like me, the thought of staying up until midnight on New Year’s Eve is not appealing. However, the thought of celebrating the holiday with family and friends is delightful. What to do? The staff at Bethel Grove would like to provide you with a happy alternative to this holiday conundrum: a family game night on New Year’s Eve from 7-9pm.
Board games, card games, games with dice, speed games, word games, games of chance—all are welcome. I will bring Dutch Blitz, Clue, Organ Attack (“The Family-Friendly Game of Organ Harvesting”), and a few other perennial favorites. Feel free to bring your own favorite game, or come to learn a new game from a friend.
All good parties include some sort of refreshment and this will be no different. Snacks will be provided, although you are also welcome to bring a festive treat if you like. Don’t forget: the games tend to get competitive so plan your snack breaks accordingly!
At the close of 2024, there is much for which we can give thanks. This year has been hard and challenging, with its own burdens of grief and disappointment, but there have also been many blessings strewn throughout the days as well. Come celebrate with us, appreciating God’s goodness to us in this last year and the dear friends we each have in the Bethel Grove community. As we celebrate, let’s look ahead with hope to the goodness God has already planned for us in 2025.