This past fall, Christ, Coffee, and Conversation was announced at BG, a Bible study held on Sundays before the service for students and young adults. We began attending a couple weeks after its start and have been going ever since. CCC is led by Pastor Matt Raley and is a wonderful opportunity to dive deeper into the Bible and be guided by the wisdom of Pastor Matt, Bridget Raley, Katie Winkler, Teddy Yesudasan, and Steve Lantz. We have recently been discussing different virtues that Christ calls us to and that the Holy Spirit forms in us. We start- ed in the fall with analyzing the Beatitudes and discerning which virtues a given beatitude calls us to. Then we moved to a discussion of the virtue itself—what it actually is (and what it isn’t), examples of this virtue in the Bible, and what it looks like when we exhibit it. This discussion has spanned many different virtues, including joy, hope, and patience, and many practical ways to develop these virtues in our lives. It is always great to hear the different perspectives of both adults and students, and to hear how God has worked in the past to grow them in a particular virtue. This time on Sunday morning is an encouragement to all of the people who attend. It offers an opportunity to be lifted up by others’ testimonies of God’s faithful- ness and in knowing our challenges are shared by our peers. We are also strengthened by both food and prayer. Sharing about our weeks and asking for prayer and praise over things that we are going through is an amazing way to bond with the other people at CCC and to remind each other of the sovereignty and good- ness of God in everything. It’s been a blessing to have this chance to get to know other students and young adults and be united in the discovery of God and His Word!