Worship Ministries & Small Groups

worship ministries

Music at BG is led by teams of volunteers from our congregation who are passionate about worship. We choose songs to declare who God is and what He has done. 

Our worship services feature a variety of songs and styles. Many of our songs are contemporary but we also dig into the treasure chest of songs Christians have sung for hundreds of years. Often, we sing traditional hymns in a new way.

We believe that as we worship the Lord more deeply, we grow to know Him more, become more spiritually mature, and better able to show others His amazing love.

Our production teams work to ensure an atmosphere of adoration and praise of Jesus. BG is committed to using technology to keep the focus on him.

We welcome high schoolers and college students to join us in this crucial ministry. 

Contact Linda@bg.org for more information or to get involved. 

small groups

Contact: Deb Miller, jadeisis86@gmail.com.   View reading plan HERE.  Join Ladies only Facebook group HERE

CAROLINE AREA – 2nd & 4th Mondays at 7:00pm
Contact: Beth Larson bethellenlarson@gmail.com

LADY TREKKERS – Tuesdays at 10:15am
Women explore the Ithaca region on foot.  Contact: Amy Bach bach.amy@gmail.com, 607-539-6654 (home), text 607-279-0583

WOMEN’S GROUP – Each Tuesday at 7:00pm – Lansing Area Home
Assorted Bible Studies.  Contact: Amy Bach bach.amy@gmail.com, 607-539-6654 (home), text 607-279-0583

MEN’S GROUP – Each Thursday, 7:45am over Zoom
Studying John Stott’s book The Cross of Christ
Contact: Jim Smith, jimsmith149@gmail.com, 607-229-2338

ITHACA WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY – Each Thursday, 9:30-11:30am over Zoom.  Even Better Than Eden by Nancy Guthrie.
Contact: Michelle, 607-319-4972, memrrigirl@gmail.com 

MAN-UP MEN’S SERIES – 3rd Friday of each month, 6:00pm-9:00pm
Visit:  www.authenticmanhood.com
Contact: Frank Smalley, mail@franksauto.net, 607-857-5433, OR or Rick George, rick_geo@msn.com, 607-227-4703

MEN’S BREAKFAST – Meet’s monthly on a Saturday morning. Contact Shaun Gendrue gendruesm1@gmail.com, text 716-245-0971

LANSING – 2nd Friday each month at 6:00pm
Contact: Doug & Sue Caveney 607-533-0007, susanjcave4@gmail.com

Studying the book of Isaiah
Contact: Caleb & Christina Yu, calebchristina2017@gmail.com


Men’s Prayer Group from 8:00am to 10:00am Tuesday mornings in the Family Center (white building).  This group also enjoys discussion time and planning covert acts of kindness.  Contact John jgp4@cornell.edu, 607-387-9845.

Thursday Corporate Prayer Over Zoom – Fellowship starts at 6:30pm followed by prayer 7:00 to 8:00pm.  An e-mail goes out from the church each Thursday with the Zoom link.  If you are not receiving messages, contact bg@bg.org.  If you have questions about this prayer group or to submit a prayer request, contact susanjcave4@gmail.com.

Prayer for the Persecuted Church: Many in the body of Christ are persecuted for their faith.  We should not ignore them but faithfully pray and support them. Consider joining others to pray for the persecuted church twice a month.  Contact Sally at gssmalc@gmail.com.

Mom’s In Prayer Groups: Weekly groups meet to pray for School Districts and College Student/Campuses. Contact momsinprayer.beckytay@gmail.com.

BG Prayer Chain: You must be a regular attender at BGBC.  If you have a prayer need and desire to place it on the BG prayer chain, contact Brenda, bgprayerchain@gmail.com or 607-227-6376.  She can also help you join the prayer chain to pray for needs that get sent out on that list.

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