Youth & Kids Ministries

youth ministries

God’s word is a “lamp to our feet and a light to our path” (check out Psalm 119:105). The Scriptures that point to Jesus are what drives us. The Bible informs our minds, strengthens our hearts, and shapes our lives.  

God delights in us as part of his creation, so we delight in each other. We have game nights, retreats, and service opportunities to encourage bonding with others while having fun.

We create space for students to interact and develop friendships with multiple generations as we all learn to walk side by side.

Students worship together on Sunday nights. But that’s not all. Students serve as musicians, audio-visual techs, and hosts on Sunday morning.

We serve the broader community of Ithaca with organizations like the Finger Lakes Pregnancy Care Center and NAMI Finger Lakes. Students are the hands and feet of Jesus to others in their own backyard.

For more information email us at

kingdom kids ministries

Kingdom Kids is BG’s children’s ministry offering learning opportunities and childcare for families. We minister to children from birth through 5th grade. (For 6th through 12th graders, check out our youth ministry above.)

We offer

  • Sunday school and Children’s Church for students in kindergarten through 5th grade.
  • Childcare for babies and toddlers under 5 during Sunday school and the worship service.
  • Special gatherings and programs during school breaks like Nature Camp.

We foster a community where children can learn God’s love and experience being a part of the church family (also called the body of Christ). This community supports parents too as they teach their children to walk with Jesus.

We use stories, music, crafts, and conversation to …

  • Build friendships.
  • Worship together.
  • Serve each other.
  • Learn about the Bible and talk to God.

Your children’s safety is our top priority. Our facility is designed for security. Our volunteers undergo an application process which includes a background check.

upcoming programs

Egg Scramble
Saturday, April 12, 10am-12pm
Nature Camp
Mon-Friday July 14-18
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