Our Story | Our Beliefs | Our Staff | FAQ
about our story
No matter what happens in the world, the people of BG are always focused on one thing. Tell others about Jesus.
This was our mission before we had a building.
The people who formed BG first met on May 3, 1863, in a local school. While their fathers, husbands, or sons fought the Civil War, these Christians were focused on opening a Sunday school for local children. The fellowship grew and moved to the Bethel Grove Community Building in 1937—such a bad year for the economy that many thought the Great Depression would never end. It wasn’t until November, 1956, shortly after Elvis Presley first appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show, that BG finally had its first service in its own building.
Our mission was to tell people about Jesus long before BG had a resident pastor.
The fellowship grew under part-time pastors for almost 70 years. People ministered to each other while Cornell was established, railroads spread and declined, disasters like the Swine Flu took loved ones, and two world wars raged. Our first full-time pastor, John Yates, was installed on June 25, 1952. That day, soldiers from Ithaca were fighting in Korea.
BG’s most important resource has always been its people. They ran regional Bible studies for women, did innovative scholarship at Cornell, translated the Bible into around a dozen languages (with dozens more now in development), participated in the growth of Ithaca College, and helped create a farm that advances community development in Zambia. And much more!
Our people do these things because of what Jesus has done for them. Whether there is war or peace, prosperity or recession, personal success or tragedy, we want others to know him.

about our beliefs
Looking for a church home can be difficult. We value your time and your trust. To check out our teachings, you can find a quick summary on this page. You can download our complete Articles of Faith here. You can also check out our Sunday morning sermons. And if you have questions, we are happy to talk with you personally.
BG is a non-denominational church. Denominations focus on teachings and traditions that are important to their unique history. They are often a source of strength for churches. But BG was founded to bring Christians together from many traditions. So we are not affiliated with a larger institution that might govern our church or influence our priorities. We value that independence.
This means you’re welcome at BG no matter where you’re coming from. At BG, we all hold the same priority: to follow Jesus and learn his ways. But we come from varied traditions—Roman Catholic, Baptist, Lutheran, Mennonite, Methodist, and Presbyterian. We come from Christian traditions in Latin America, Africa, India, Korea, and China.
You might be exploring Christianity for the first time, deconstructing what you’ve been taught before, or looking for a way back to faith. No matter where you’re coming from, you will be able to find people at BG who understand your journey.

BG teaches classic Christianity, the faith belonging to many generations and traditions from all over the world. We often disagree with each other on secondary issues. But we choose to build our relationships on Christian unity instead of pressuring each other about our differences. (For an example of the Bible’s teaching on this principle, check out 2 Timothy 2.22-26.)
Here are some key beliefs in that classic faith:

The Bible
We believe both the Old and New Testaments were inspired by God. The Bible is our final authority, not any one person (see 2 Peter 1.19-21).
We worship one God in three Persons—the Father, his Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit (see Deuteronomy 6.4-5 and 2 Corinthians 13.14). God is perfect in every way (James 1.17).
Jesus is both a human being and God. He came to display God truly and to open a new relationship with God for us (check out John 1.1-3, and 14-18). He died and rose again to save us from all we’ve done wrong (Romans 3.21-26).
The Church
The church is not a building or a group of clerics. It is a family of people saved by Jesus personally, a family that is deeper than any other identity (see 2 Corinthians 5.19-20).
about our staff

Matt Raley
Lead Pastor
Matt pastored churches in Oregon, California, and Pennsylvania for more than twenty-five years. He came to BG in November, 2022, and now lives in the Ithaca area with his wife Bridget and their two sons. He is the author of Fallen: A Novel and The Diversity Culture. He has a PhD in aesthetic philosophy and theology from Southern Seminary. In his spare time, he enjoys playing the violin.

Dee Dee Smith
Director of Operations
Dee Dee grew up in nearby Watkins Glen and moved ever closer to Ithaca through the years. She came to Bethel Grove via Cornell in 2000 and now enjoys her village home in Freeville. She strives to keep the church office running smoothly, matching up resources with needs, and helping others to connect with the life of the church. She enjoys spending time with family, entertaining in her home, walking in the rain, and having spontaneous adventures with friends.

Teddy Yesudasan
Director of Student Ministries
Teddy was born and raised in Southern India. He came to Ithaca as an international student for an MS in Plant Breeding & Genetics at Cornell. He has been part of BG since 2012. He is married to Emily and they have two children. Teddy enjoys hanging out with people, hiking, and playing sports.

Heidi King
Kingdom Kids Coordinator
Heidi was raised in Chicago and came to Ithaca in 2005. She has a BA in Psychology from Houghton College and has taught horseback riding and wilderness skills. She now homeschools her three daughters with her husband Phil. She has been involved with children’s ministry at BG since 2012, and delights in sharing biblical truth through nature study. Heidi enjoys birding and coffee.

Linda Crispell
Worship & Publications Coordinator
Linda has attended Bethel Grove for almost 20 years and has a background working in administrative jobs. She has been on staff for 1 1/2 years and enjoys leading worship and organizing special music. A life-long resident of Slaterville Springs, Linda is married to Russ and has three adult children and one granddaughter. Her hobbies include knitting, gardening, and refinishing furniture.

Barb Roman
Bookkeeper & Custodian
Barb has enjoyed working behind the scenes at Bethel Grove since 1998—first as custodian and later taking on the position of bookkeeper. She and her husband, Rich, have raised three sons. They enjoy spending time with their two grandsons on a regular basis. She and Rich live in Newfield with her adorable Bichon, Maggie, and their two tuxedo kitties, Pancake and Max. Whenever she can grab a few minutes, she enjoys photographing nature and working in her flowerbeds.

Rich Roman
Rich has worked faithfully at BG as custodian since 1997. For 38 years, he has been the sole proprietor of R&R Appliance. He enjoys serving at BG by using his appliance repair know-how to keep everything in good working order. He lives with his wife Barb in Newfield. On a rare day off, Rich enjoys spending time with family having a cookout in the back yard and playing cornhole and/or badminton.
Katie Winkler
Community Coordinator
Katie helps new attenders at BG become part of the church’s life and mission. Undergraduate and graduate students are an important focus. She oversees events, creates teams to build a culture of belonging among new attenders, and designs ways to support BG’s relational and emotional health. Katie has lived in Montour Falls for the vast majority of her life. She recently finished a Masters in Pastoral Counseling, completing her internship at BG in 2023. Some of her favorite things include reading, running, playing with her nieces and nephews, traveling, and building friendships.
Dylan Raley
Media Coordinator
Dylan is the son of Pastor Matt. He grew up volunteering at various churches helping in the sound booth. In 2023, he started working at BG running the tech equipment for Sunday services. Besides sound and media production, Dylan’s hobbies also include board games and programming.
about FAQ's
What does BG teach?
Check out our Beliefs section.
Is BG part of any particular denomination?
We are a non-denominational church. Learn more about what that means here.
How can I explore becoming a member of Bethel Grove Bible Church?
Watch the announcements for our membership classes, held several times each year. Attending a two-session membership class is the first step, followed by an interview with one of our elders.
What ministries can college or graduate students participate in?
We welcome involvement from college students at every level of ministry at BG. Students participate in Kingdom kids, youth, hospitality, and worship. Please let us know of your interests.
Where should I park?
We have plenty of space behind the church for parking, with an entrance on our downstairs level. There are several spaces in front of the church designated for handicapped parking or for the elderly.
What should I wear to church?
Our people wear a wide variety of styles. Our personal styles are as diverse as our backgrounds.
What English Bible translation do you use?
We use the English Standard Version (ESV) in our worship services.
When is your office open?
Monday-Friday, 9AM to 5PM. For appointments with staff, please email us or call (607) 277-3333.
What does a typical youth meeting look like?
Sunday nights are intended to engage our youth with social interaction and the Bible. Students meet in the family center (white building) at BG for games, worship, and teaching. We also have small group discussions to dive deeper into the lesson and allow students to share their thoughts.
How does BG screen volunteers for children and youth ministry? Who can apply?
Volunteers fill out an application that includes questions about their personal beliefs and background. All applicants undergo a background check. Church members and regular attenders of BG may apply. We encourage people of all ages to get involved, including teens, college students, and seniors.
Do kids stay with parents during the worship service?
Our regular worship services are at 9:30AM every Sunday. Children check in downstairs and then join their families for the first portion of worship. After about 15 minutes, children are dismissed to their classes. Teachers or parents escort them downstairs and volunteers are prepared to welcome them to Children’s Church. Several times a year, we hold special services that involve the whole family.
What happens during Children’s Church? Is Sunday School different?
Children’s Church is intended to engage children at their age and interest level. We start with singing hymns and praise songs. We pray together. Then we give teaching from the Bible, followed by activities or crafts to reinforce the main points of the lesson. Sunday School is a discussion-based teaching time. Topics may include a Scripture passage, historical figures of the faith, or ways to serve others.
Can college students join a worship team while they are in Ithaca?
Absolutely! College students are encouraged to get involved at whatever level they feel comfortable.
What are the qualifications to participate on a worship team?
There is an application and an interview with a pastor or elder. We expect regular attendance on Sundays, even when you are not scheduled to sing or play. We also emphasize that our whole lives lead others in worship, not just our musical skills. So, we expect musicians’ conduct to honor Christ wherever they are—in life, work, or social media.
Are there special worship events?
Our goal is to have special times of worship and praise throughout the year, including a variety of music and other arts.
How can I give financially to BG?
You can give through one of several options: oak offering boxes by the doors to the auditorium, PayPal, Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT), or checks mailed to Bethel Grove Bible Church, 1763 Slaterville Rd, Ithaca, NY 14850.
What are BG’s views on marriage and gender issues?
We teach that marriage is between one man and one woman for life and that God designed human sexuality for that covenantal relationship. We recognize that people are exploring Christianity from many points of view. We welcome all with kindness and respect.